Tuesday, January 25, 2011

B is for Baker

 Rebecca Altmann, baker and executive pastry chef at *ndulge cupcake boutique, applies icing to an order of gluten-free peanut butter cupcakes early on a Thursday morning in January of 2011. Altmann majored in Linguistics and American Sign Language at the University of Rochester in New York, but after graduating, she decided to attend the Pennsylvania Culinary Institute in Pittsburgh. She has been working with *ndulge since its opening in 2010. Photo taken by Marilyn Perez for Comm 469.

Rebecca Altmann, baker and executive pastry chef at *indulge cupcake boutique in State College, speaks on the phone with the company's owner, Don Selkowitz. Selkowitz, a Penn State graduate, often calls into the shop, which is his retirement company, for social and business matters. Photo taken by Marilyn Perez for Comm 269.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Randy Hipp, head coach of the Junior Icers speaks to his team during a game against the Badgers on Saturday January 15, 2011. The youth hockey game took place in the Penn State Ice Rink and ended in a tied score. Photo taken by Marilyn Perez for Comm 469.

Lauren Torbic sleds down a hill at Slab Cabin Park in State College, Pa. on Sunday January 16, 2011. Photo taken by Marilyn Perez for Comm 469.